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More Detail

Statistics Programme (STATS), becomes a new thematic unit of the TIJ since April 2017. Our core mandate is to support the production of qualitative data by means of surveys and evidence-based research, and at the same time, to facilitate technical cooperation between international and domestic agencies for the better-informed policies in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice administration.


The use of statistics and statistical analysis in the field of crime and criminal justice is vital in guiding the effective responses to persisting criminality and other forms of social problems. Numbers and trends reflect the real situation and enable policy-makers to keep track of changes resulting from imposed interventions.


Flagship Activities

Recognizing the need to enhance the quality and availability of statistics on crime and criminal justice system, STATS focuses our work under three priority areas.


The first area aims at the improvement of the quality of data, especially people-centric crime data that not only reflect the prevalence of crimes but shed light on the detailed nature of such crimes and the associated risk that could inform effective prevention policies.


By identifying gaps, conducting relevant research and studies, building capacity, providing technical assistance, STATS supports and raise awareness on the implementation of United Nations tools and data collection method including International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), The Manual on Crime Victimization Surveys, and United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (UN-CTS).


The second area of focus involves policy advocacy, particularly through the network of coordination between concerned institutions in the region as well as across regions. STATS has been working closely with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), and members of the UNODC networks namely, Korean Institute of Criminology and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI) to organize a series of biennial regional meetings for statisticians and criminal justice practitioners, as well as the follow-up capacity-building and trainings as recommended by these regional meetings. We have recently extended the partnership to include Statistics Korea or KOSTAT, as a regional player in this field, whom we believe will contribute to building and expanding this partnership with other domestic players such as the Thai National Statistics Office and the Center of Justice Statistics, Ministry of Justice, Thailand, especially on data requirements for the monitoring of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


The third area under STATS’s mandate involves technical support, mainly through quantitative analysis of research projects in collaboration with other internal units. This year STATS works with the Women and Children Empowerment Programme to collect data from children in detention facilities, and support the Implementation of the Bangkok Rules and Treatment of Offenders Programme on the women prisoner data analysis.


STATS aspires to make TIJ one of the primary sources of crime and criminal justice data in Thailand and one of the active regional partners in the field. Because only with reliable information to answer that big question of what matters can governments begin to accurately assess, and the public to understand, the impacts that policies and practices have on the safety, stability and livelihood of our society.


Key Partners

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC),
  • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP),
  • Members of the UNODC networks namely, Korean Institute of Criminology, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico (INEGI), Statistics Korea or KOSTAT
  • Thai National Statistics Office and the Center of Justice Statistics, Ministry of Justice, Thailand