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Stocktaking Meeting on the Implementation of the Bangkok Rules


Monday 15 April 2024
9.00am – 4.30pm
The Hague Humanities Hub, the Hague, the Netherlands




In 2010, the General Assembly adopted UN Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules) to address the gender-specific needs of women offenders and women in prisons. These rules were designed to safeguard the rights and well-being of women in prison, while also advocating for the use of non-custodial measures. While ever since, commendable efforts have been made towards the implementation of the Bangkok Rules in many countries and regions around the world, severe challenges persist in many countries.


Over 13 years have passed since the Bangkok Rules were adopted. While some progress has been made, there is still a lot of work needed to make meaningful and lasting improvements, including vis-à-vis non-custodial alternatives for women. To address this, the Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and Penal Reform International (PRI) will host a Stock-taking Meeting on the Implementation of the Bangkok Rules, on the sidelines of the World Probation Congress in the Hague.


This meeting will bring together delegates attending the World Probation Congress, alongside others, including policymakers, practitioners, and representatives from international organizations and civil society to share experiences, exchange best practices, identify implementation gaps, and develop recommendations to overcome challenges. The outcomes of this meeting will support the development of a strategy to advance the application of the Bangkok Rules as part of the TIJ-UNODC initiative “Renewing Our Promise: Fostering progress and investments to advance the application of the Bangkok Rules”.




  • To take stock of the progress made in fostering the application of the Bangkok Rules (including national good practices, innovative programmes, and efforts by relevant stakeholders to address the needs of women prisoners and women offenders);
  • To identify persisting gaps and challenges where technical assistance and financial support are most needed;
  • To identify the priority areas to advance the practical application of the Bangkok Rules in the future.


Download the agenda: https://shorturl.at/ahxGK

You can complete the Expression of Interest form via https://forms.gle/PBsF2nrYSwj6QS6J7

For more information please contact: obr@tijthailand.org

We look forward to your expression of interest!




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