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Incarceration Nations Network (INN) supports Hygiene Street Food Project 


Written by The Office for the Bangkok Rules and Treatment of Offenders, TIJ  



On December 17, 2021, Hygiene Street Food Programme (2nd Year) delivered innovative food carts to the participants who completed the training. The cart was sponsored by Incarceration Nations Network (INN). 



Incarceration Nations Network (INN) is a global network based in New York, United States. It is a prison reform network with 115 partners all over the world. One of their projects is The Writing on the Wall, which accumulated writings and drawings in various languages from prisoners all over the World. These writings can be found on the cart. The graphics on the food cart were also designed by the prisoner from another country.



INN has supported the Hygiene Street Food Programme by sponsoring food carts for Thai former prisoners to provide them with a sustainable job and support their reintegration. INN has also hired the former prisoners as presenters of The Writing on the Wall Project, to tell the stories of those who have been imprisoned. Besides, the QR Code that could lead directly to https://incarcerationnationsnetwork.org are attached to the cart’s sign and dishware. 

